Proven Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

April 27, 2020

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Dark chocolate is full of nutrients that can have a positive effect on your health.

Proven Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Made from coconut tree seeds, it is the best source of antioxidants on the planet.

Studies have shown that dark chocolate (not unsweetened nonsense) can improve health and reduce the risk of heart disease.

This article reviews the seven health benefits of scientifically supported dark chocolate or cocoa.

Very nutritious

The purchase of good quality dark chocolate, which is high in cocoa, will increase its nutritional value.

It contains an appropriate amount of water-soluble fiber and is rich in minerals.

(1) Contains 100 grams of 70-85% cocoa dark chocolate.

Fiber 11g
67% RDI of iron
58% RDI of magnesium
89% of copper RDI
98% RDI of manganese
Rich in potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium
Of course, 100 grams (3.5 ounces) is relatively high and should not be eaten daily. All of these nutrients also contain 600 calories and a moderate amount of sugar.

For this reason, we recommend eating a moderate amount of dark chocolate.

The cocoa fatty acid side profile and dark chocolate are also excellent. Most fats are saturated and monounsaturated, while polyunsaturated fats are small.

It contains stimulants such as caffeine and theobromine, but its caffeine content is so low compared to coffee that it's unlikely to keep you awake at night.

High quality dark chocolate is rich in fiber, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese and other minerals.

A powerful source of antioxidants

ORAC is an abbreviation for "oxygen radical absorption capacity". Improves the antioxidant effect of substances.

In short, the researchers set a handful of (bad) free radicals on food samples and found that antioxidant particles in food could form better.

The ORAC value is measured in vitro and may not have the same effect on the body, thus suggesting a biological relevance of the ORAC value.

However, it is worth noting that raw cocoa beans are one of the most tested substances.

Dark chocolate contains biologically active organic compounds that act as antioxidants. These include polyphenols, flavonols and catechins.

One study found that coca and dark chocolate had higher antioxidant, polyphenolic, and flavonol effects than any other fruit such as blueberries and acai berries (2).


Cocoa and dark chocolate have different antioxidants. In fact, there are better ways than most other foods.
blood. May improve blood flow and lower blood pressure
Dark chocolate flavonols stimulate the inner lining of blood vessels, the endothelium, to form nitric oxide (NO) (source 3 is trusted).

No. One of the tasks is to send a signal to your blood vessels to rest. This is to reduce resistance to blood flow and lower blood pressure.

Although many controlled studies have shown that cocoa and dark chocolate can lower blood flow and blood pressure, their effects are generally mild (reliable source 4, reliable source 5, reliable source 6 , A reliable source 7).

However, one study in people with hypertension gave no results, so look at everything with one grain of salt (Source 8 Trust).


Bioactive compounds of cocoa can improve blood flow in blood vessels and lower blood pressure, but can lead to a statistically significant decrease.
That. Enhances HDL and protects LDL from oxidation
Eating dark chocolate can improve some important risk factors for heart disease.

A control study found that cocoa powder significantly reduced oxidized LDL cholesterol in men. It also increased high cholesterol HDL and decreased total LDL (Reliable Source 9).

Oxidized LDL means that LDL (“bad” cholesterol) reacts with free radicals.

This means that the LDL particles themselves are reactive and can damage other tissues such as the lining of the blood vessels of the heart.

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